“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16
Your Donation can Change Lives
Online Payment
Click the below button and you will be redirected to our online contribution portal. Enter your registered email and password to login. If not registered, signup using the register option.
Bank Details
State Bank of India
Branch: Kurumbur
A/C Name: New Life Society
A/C No: 31087726407
IFSC Code: SBIN0002227
Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank
Branch: Prakasapuram
A/C Name: New Life Society
A/C No: 054100710400513
IFSC Code: TMBL0000054
UPI Details


+91 70947 77781
After scanning, kindly send us the transaction details screenshot with your complete address through WhatsApp to the number given below
SBI Online Collect
SBI Collect Steps
1.Click Here to go to SBI Online Collect. the category “Religious/Charitable Institutions”.
3.Type “JESUS REDEEMS” or “‘NEW LIFE SOCIETY” in the search bar and select the institution name .
5.Fill the form correctly and submit by clicking “Next”.
6.Verify payment details and then choose payment method to complete the transaction.